Crystalline Codes: All About Crystal MASTERCOURSE - Week 4 April 28
Join Heather Gordy for a full mastercourse on the energetics of crystals. This 4 week course is designed to activate your unique connection with crystal energy, and help you feel confident working with crystals more intentionally. There are so many beautiful ways we can work with crystals, and they truly are our allies. Through this course you'll understand how to work with crystals as the allies, healers, and wisdom keepers they are.
Each week we'll focus on a topic of crystalline energy. You'll learn important practices, benefits, cautions, and all the how to's. Heather will incorporate practice sessions so you can get to know the energetics through understanding and personal experience. Each week will guide you to expand your intuitive connection, so your relationship with crystalline energy can grow. You'll leave with suggested exercises and be encouraged to stay with your crystal practice. This mastercourse is truly intended to activate your connection and open your perspective to the vast nature of crystals.
Join us in exploring Crystal Gridding, Crystal Healing, Crystal Spirits and more! Gain an intimate understanding of crystalline energy and its multipurpose nature. Learn how to connect with crystals to feel and hear how they can support you. Attune to crystalline energy and crystal spirits to retrieve their guidance and ancient wisdom. Unlock crystalline codes and become supported in a brand new way! This course will be expansive and it'll be so much fun opening to the Crystalline Realm. I hope you'll join us! See below for the Course Outline.
*Join us for the full course and attend all 4 weeks for a package rate and special intro. pricing of $180. Or join us for a single drop-in and purchase by the week. Spaces are limited, so please register ahead of time. Spaces are reserved first for individuals purchasing the full course.
*If you attended All About Crystals: Intro. Class February 11th or 25th, you qualify for 10% off the full course price. Purchase in person and give your name at the register.
Crystalline Codes Mastercourse: Course Outline
Week 1: Crystal Energy // April 7th
- Working with Crystal Allies
- Attuning to Crystal Energy
- Using crystals in spell work, house gridding, energetic support, protection & manifestation
*Practice: Crystal Meditation & Intention Setting
Week 2: Crystal Gridding Do's & Don'ts // April 14th
- How to build & work with crystal grids
- Benefits & Cautions
- Portals to other realms
- Psychic Development/Activation
- Intro. to varying crystal shapes
*Practice: Crystal Grid Activation
Week 3: Crystalline Medicine & Crystal Healing // April 21st
- Understanding Crystalline Medicine
- Crystals & the Chakra System
- Intention setting, safe space, & benefits/cautions
- Working with Crystal Spirits Pt. 1
*Practice: Connecting with Crystal Spirits
Week 4: Accessing Crystal Codes // April 28th
- Working with Crystal Spirits Pt. 2
- Receiving messages from crystals
- Accessing crystal codes & information
- Coded crystal structures.
*Bonus: Energy Attunement: Initiation & activation through the Crystalline Realm

Crystalline Codes: All About Crystal MASTERCOURSE - Week 3 April 21
Join Heather Gordy for a full mastercourse on the energetics of crystals. This 4 week course is designed to activate your unique connection with crystal energy, and help you feel confident working with crystals more intentionally. There are so many beautiful ways we can work with crystals, and they truly are our allies. Through this course you'll understand how to work with crystals as the allies, healers, and wisdom keepers they are.
Each week we'll focus on a topic of crystalline energy. You'll learn important practices, benefits, cautions, and all the how to's. Heather will incorporate practice sessions so you can get to know the energetics through understanding and personal experience. Each week will guide you to expand your intuitive connection, so your relationship with crystalline energy can grow. You'll leave with suggested exercises and be encouraged to stay with your crystal practice. This mastercourse is truly intended to activate your connection and open your perspective to the vast nature of crystals.
Join us in exploring Crystal Gridding, Crystal Healing, Crystal Spirits and more! Gain an intimate understanding of crystalline energy and its multipurpose nature. Learn how to connect with crystals to feel and hear how they can support you. Attune to crystalline energy and crystal spirits to retrieve their guidance and ancient wisdom. Unlock crystalline codes and become supported in a brand new way! This course will be expansive and it'll be so much fun opening to the Crystalline Realm. I hope you'll join us! See below for the Course Outline.
*Join us for the full course and attend all 4 weeks for a package rate and special intro. pricing of $180. Or join us for a single drop-in and purchase by the week. Spaces are limited, so please register ahead of time. Spaces are reserved first for individuals purchasing the full course.
*If you attended All About Crystals: Intro. Class February 11th or 25th, you qualify for 10% off the full course price. Purchase in person and give your name at the register.
Crystalline Codes Mastercourse: Course Outline
Week 1: Crystal Energy // April 7th
- Working with Crystal Allies
- Attuning to Crystal Energy
- Using crystals in spell work, house gridding, energetic support, protection & manifestation
*Practice: Crystal Meditation & Intention Setting
Week 2: Crystal Gridding Do's & Don'ts // April 14th
- How to build & work with crystal grids
- Benefits & Cautions
- Portals to other realms
- Psychic Development/Activation
- Intro. to varying crystal shapes
*Practice: Crystal Grid Activation
Week 3: Crystalline Medicine & Crystal Healing // April 21st
- Understanding Crystalline Medicine
- Crystals & the Chakra System
- Intention setting, safe space, & benefits/cautions
- Working with Crystal Spirits Pt. 1
*Practice: Connecting with Crystal Spirits
Week 4: Accessing Crystal Codes // April 28th
- Working with Crystal Spirits Pt. 2
- Receiving messages from crystals
- Accessing crystal codes & information
- Coded crystal structures.
*Bonus: Energy Attunement: Initiation & activation through the Crystalline Realm

Crystalline Codes: All About Crystal MASTERCOURSE - Week 2 April 14
Join Heather Gordy for a full mastercourse on the energetics of crystals. This 4 week course is designed to activate your unique connection with crystal energy, and help you feel confident working with crystals more intentionally. There are so many beautiful ways we can work with crystals, and they truly are our allies. Through this course you'll understand how to work with crystals as the allies, healers, and wisdom keepers they are.
Each week we'll focus on a topic of crystalline energy. You'll learn important practices, benefits, cautions, and all the how to's. Heather will incorporate practice sessions so you can get to know the energetics through understanding and personal experience. Each week will guide you to expand your intuitive connection, so your relationship with crystalline energy can grow. You'll leave with suggested exercises and be encouraged to stay with your crystal practice. This mastercourse is truly intended to activate your connection and open your perspective to the vast nature of crystals.
Join us in exploring Crystal Gridding, Crystal Healing, Crystal Spirits and more! Gain an intimate understanding of crystalline energy and its multipurpose nature. Learn how to connect with crystals to feel and hear how they can support you. Attune to crystalline energy and crystal spirits to retrieve their guidance and ancient wisdom. Unlock crystalline codes and become supported in a brand new way! This course will be expansive and it'll be so much fun opening to the Crystalline Realm. I hope you'll join us! See below for the Course Outline.
*Join us for the full course and attend all 4 weeks for a package rate and special intro. pricing of $180. Or join us for a single drop-in and purchase by the week. Spaces are limited, so please register ahead of time. Spaces are reserved first for individuals purchasing the full course.
*If you attended All About Crystals: Intro. Class February 11th or 25th, you qualify for 10% off the full course price. Purchase in person and give your name at the register.
Crystalline Codes Mastercourse: Course Outline
Week 1: Crystal Energy // April 7th
- Working with Crystal Allies
- Attuning to Crystal Energy
- Using crystals in spell work, house gridding, energetic support, protection & manifestation
*Practice: Crystal Meditation & Intention Setting
Week 2: Crystal Gridding Do's & Don'ts // April 14th
- How to build & work with crystal grids
- Benefits & Cautions
- Portals to other realms
- Psychic Development/Activation
- Intro. to varying crystal shapes
*Practice: Crystal Grid Activation
Week 3: Crystalline Medicine & Crystal Healing // April 21st
- Understanding Crystalline Medicine
- Crystals & the Chakra System
- Intention setting, safe space, & benefits/cautions
- Working with Crystal Spirits Pt. 1
*Practice: Connecting with Crystal Spirits
Week 4: Accessing Crystal Codes // April 28th
- Working with Crystal Spirits Pt. 2
- Receiving messages from crystals
- Accessing crystal codes & information
- Coded crystal structures.
*Bonus: Energy Attunement: Initiation & activation through the Crystalline Realm

Crystalline Codes: All About Crystal MASTERCOURSE - Week 1 April 7
Join Heather Gordy for a full mastercourse on the energetics of crystals. This 4 week course is designed to activate your unique connection with crystal energy, and help you feel confident working with crystals more intentionally. There are so many beautiful ways we can work with crystals, and they truly are our allies. Through this course you'll understand how to work with crystals as the allies, healers, and wisdom keepers they are.
Each week we'll focus on a topic of crystalline energy. You'll learn important practices, benefits, cautions, and all the how to's. Heather will incorporate practice sessions so you can get to know the energetics through understanding and personal experience. Each week will guide you to expand your intuitive connection, so your relationship with crystalline energy can grow. You'll leave with suggested exercises and be encouraged to stay with your crystal practice. This mastercourse is truly intended to activate your connection and open your perspective to the vast nature of crystals.
Join us in exploring Crystal Gridding, Crystal Healing, Crystal Spirits and more! Gain an intimate understanding of crystalline energy and its multipurpose nature. Learn how to connect with crystals to feel and hear how they can support you. Attune to crystalline energy and crystal spirits to retrieve their guidance and ancient wisdom. Unlock crystalline codes and become supported in a brand new way! This course will be expansive and it'll be so much fun opening to the Crystalline Realm. I hope you'll join us! See below for the Course Outline.
*Join us for the full course and attend all 4 weeks for a package rate and special intro. pricing of $180. Or join us for a single drop-in and purchase by the week. Spaces are limited, so please register ahead of time. Spaces are reserved first for individuals purchasing the full course.
*If you attended All About Crystals: Intro. Class February 11th or 25th, you qualify for 10% off the full course price. Purchase in person and give your name at the register.
Crystalline Codes Mastercourse: Course Outline
Week 1: Crystal Energy // April 7th
- Working with Crystal Allies
- Attuning to Crystal Energy
- Using crystals in spell work, house gridding, energetic support, protection & manifestation
*Practice: Crystal Meditation & Intention Setting
Week 2: Crystal Gridding Do's & Don'ts // April 14th
- How to build & work with crystal grids
- Benefits & Cautions
- Portals to other realms
- Psychic Development/Activation
- Intro. to varying crystal shapes
*Practice: Crystal Grid Activation
Week 3: Crystalline Medicine & Crystal Healing // April 21st
- Understanding Crystalline Medicine
- Crystals & the Chakra System
- Intention setting, safe space, & benefits/cautions
- Working with Crystal Spirits Pt. 1
*Practice: Connecting with Crystal Spirits
Week 4: Accessing Crystal Codes // April 28th
- Working with Crystal Spirits Pt. 2
- Receiving messages from crystals
- Accessing crystal codes & information
- Coded crystal structures.
*Bonus: Energy Attunement: Initiation & activation through the Crystalline Realm

Home in the Body: Energetic & Nervous System Care
This workshop is designed to give you tools for supporting the body in a deeper, nourishing, and more soulful way. You'll learn energy practices that help ground and nourish the nervous system. I'll introduce somatic practices that allow us to build trust, feel safe, and release held emotions in the body. We'll discuss how the energy system is connected to the nervous system and why these practices are so important for your physical, emotional, mental, and energetic needs.

Quantum Manifestation: Manifesting your Soul Desires
Learn what it means to experience life on a quantum level and manifest your soul's desires. Understand how to support the body through quantum leaps and remain grounded through high frequency change. Gain access to your soul, and open to the miracles that are waiting for you.

Writing Through The Shadow Realms
Together we’ll hold space to witness our own shadow aspects and shadow nature. This workshop will focus on creative nonfiction to encourage us to meet our deepest Truths in all we experience, need, & desire. This is designed to awaken the Self & open to the freedom of our True Nature through transformative healing.

Psychic Yoga Stretch Workshop
Find play in your intuitive nature as we practice stretching our psychic senses through the practice of yoga. You’ll be guided through an all levels yoga practice with meditation, where we’ll safely explore our claire-senses & the chakra system.

Grounding Into Presence
An energy transmission receiving the gift of True Presence. Open to the beauty & awe of your divine connection between the Earth & the body. When we are grounded & present with the Earth, we open to the magic, pleasure, wonder, & connection of all our experience is & all it can be.

Reading Signs
Learn more about spiritual signs & how to interpret your own messages. We'll break down ways we can experience communication with Spirit through signs like, angel numbers, number codes, animal guides, symbols, colors, dreams, & other forms of synchronicity that all hold messages for us.

Stellar Dreams
A workshop exploring the dream world of interdimensional travel, parallel lifetimes, & so much more! You’ll learn precautions & how we lean into astral travel & these multi-conscious exploratory realms with purpose & trust.

Soul Star Attunement: Celestial Awakening & Light Body Activation
We all have coding we bring to the earth & collective. Our experiences are growing, in part to our evolutionary alignment. This transmission is designed to support the body in our embodiment of our soul origins to feel more whole & at home & illuminate the gifts of our soul.

Crystalline Codes
Learn how to access & attune to Crystalline Codes. Crystals support our energetic body & well-being, they store information & codes linked with the stars that support our process of Ascension, & they are incredibly powerful healers & guides. In this workshop, we'll discuss crystal spirits, crystal healing, & crystal frequencies, awakening our connection & understanding of crystal energies.

Psychic & Intuitive Development
Gain a foundation & clear understanding of common psychic traits we experience in the collective, & how to develop your psychic & intuitive nature in a safe, supportive way for the body. We'll discuss the subtle differences & importance of developing your intuition alongside your psychic traits, & how to respect the flow of your natural process & maintain balance in an open state.

Loving Neutrality: Honing Your Middle Space
This workshop will focus on the development & important skill of neutrality, which we call our middle space. When we work from our middle space, our guidance comes in more clear & direct. Together, we’ll define the practice of non-attachment, non-judgement, acceptance, & intuitive trust. We’ll come to understand the importance & nature of our middle space, & then put it into practice. This workshop is a foundational development tool for strengthening our connection, guidance, intuition, & clarity.

Quantum Manifestation
Quantum Manifestation is Part 2 of Manifesting Through The Divine Feminine. This workshop focuses on quantum mechanics of healing, manifestation, & embodiment, then define what it really means to open to our soul’s mission, Divine alignment & source co-creation to manifest our highest timeline here & now! We’ll close with a quantum healing, clearing our channel & strengthening our magnetic field.

Dream Weaving Into Reality
Join Heather in this creative writing & energy healing hybrid workshop! We'll focus on using creative writing & psychic vision as a manifestation technique to create our dreams! Gathering right on the cusp of the Spring Equinox, we have the support of nature giving us the fertile ground to witness seeds of growth & expansion take root!

Trust Fall Into The Void
A learning & healing based workshop for honing your intuition, psychic nature, Divine Trust, & deep surrender through the journey of the Void. As we learn to navigate through the Void, we release all self-resistance, break down limiting constructs, & arrive in a pure essence of nothingness coinciding with everything. This is pivotal for mastery in co-creation, moving from divine guidance, working as a bridge between the Earth & higher planes, practicing Ascension in the body, & finding union between our higher-self & human nature.

Manifesting Through the Divine Feminine
This workshop will focus on manifestation from the Divine Feminine essence, & define what it means to manifest from our heart's surrender. Heather will introduce energetic principles of manifestation, teachings of the Divine Feminine, & how to work from our magnetic field. Through this workshop we'll come to understand manifestation through a more open, multi-faceted movement of creative lifeforce energy in harmony with all creation.

Protection from Within: Energetic Boundaries & Discernment
Learn the importance & practice of developing energetic boundaries & discernment. These are tools that are extremely helpful for sensitives, empaths, & anyone wanting to feel more grounded, safe in the body, & confident in your intuition. We'll discuss how to distinguish your energy from outside energy, principles of discernment, the benefit of non-attachment, & ways to shield, cloak, & filter energy.

Shadow Circle 2.0
Gather in circle as we open to practice shadow work for self-reclamation & empowerment. We’ll focus on clearing self-resistance, holding space to meet healing through subconscious levels & open to our own transformative healing & Soul Work. Join us as we journey through the inner shadows of the self & reclaim sovereign ground!

Shadow Circle: Journey to the Self
An opportunity to learn more about shadow work& safely practice opening to your inner realms! Honor the coming of shadow season as we turn inward to illuminate, reclaim & meet our Self in Truth. Working with the natural rhythms of nature, you’ll be guided to journey into a space of transformative healing & soul work.

Connecting with Crystal Spirits
In this workshop, we’ll learn how to connect & work with Crystal Spirits as we dive deeper into the meaning & energetics of crystals, & introduce how you can connect to them as teachers & guides. We’ll close with a guided meditation, putting our newfound understanding into practice & opening to receive guidance from a chosen Crystal Spirit Guide.