Come home to the body. Awaken your truth. Embody your True Nature.
An embodied approach to spirituality, healing, & soul freedom.
Find support through Spiritual Guidance, Ascension Coaching, Quantum Healing, Energy Attunements & more!
a body-earth activation opening you to receive the pure loving support of the earth mending our relationship to the heart & body
Akashic Clearing
a gentle, loving energy guided by your soul to clear old contracts, residual energy & karmic ties; held in your Akashic Records
Soul Embodiment Session
working on a soul level to clear blocks to your true nature here & now, & receive light transmissions directly from your soul source
I’m here to support your soul embodiment where we meet harmony in our multidimensionality and human experience.
Hi, I’m Heather Gordy.
As an interdimentional channel, energy worker, and Ascension guide, I study the mechanics of energy through the physical body and quantum field to offer healing on a full-bodied, multidimensional, soul-level. We work together to awaken your innate connection within the body, Self and Spirit where you can hold presence, meet profound transformation, and awaken to more of You, all creating space to live free in your purpose and Divine Truth. We focus on providing deep care for every experience of the body and set a path for your self-sovereignty as you come into your own leadership, creative ease, trust and inner healer. Everything here is birthed through spiritual devotion in pure intention to offer support for your unique process of healing, soul growth, and Ascension.
“Heather is one of the most powerfully-gifted yet gentle healers I've come across. She is absolutely genuine, precise in addressing what the body & spirit are calling for, and most importantly, completely embodies the frequency of healing love. Rarely is someone as intuitive as Heather also so grounded into embodiment. She has done the inner work to be able to channel purely, clearly and without any attachment or agenda. You will find that her energy work is without comparison (& thus cannot easily be categorized!). It is as life-changing as it is professional and trustworthy. Do not hesitate to reach out to her for a session—likely to be the first of many.”

Workshops & Classes
Upcoming events in-person & online. Immerse yourself in community. Expand your light. Share sacred space.